Friday, April 15, 2011


I was saddened to learn that bullying has claimed yet another innocent child. It was reported on the news that an 11 yr. old child committed suicide after being subjected to bullying. I found it equally disheartening how the commentators suggested their was only one way of handling the problem of bullying. They talked about going to teachers, friends, school administrators, and counselors. Their methods, like the prevailing philosophy on solving the problem of bullying, are ineffective and inherently flawed. The flaw is that these “solutions” entail only third party intervention. A third party (friends, teachers, the principal, etc.) is supposed to intervene and somehow "magically" restrain the bully. This alone will not always work. Teachers, friends, and school administrators will not be there all the time. When a victim of bullying relies on a third party continuously and only to solve his/her problems, he/she only becomes a greater victim.

One of the most truly effective solutions to stop bullying is to EMPOWER THE VICTIM.

The intended victim of bullying can be empowered by instilling confidence within the person. Confidence is the bully’s most fearsome rival. When confidence replaces fear, bullies are promptly deterred. A former President of our country would often talk about “Peace through strength.” His idea was to have a strong military not necessarily to defeat our nation’s enemies, but TO DETER THEM FROM ATTACKING IN THE FIRST PLACE.

This philosophy must serve as the foundation for any effective anti-bullying program. Needless to say, STRONG, CONFIDENT CHILDREN DO NOT GET BULLIED. Our program of using the arts, like music, art, drama, and dance instill increased self-esteem. When children are empowered with the knowledge and power acquired through the arts, they carry themselves with an air of confidence. By projecting this air of confidence, would-be bullies know to back off. Music especially has it's own, "magical power" to bring schools, kids, and parents together, that at times does not even require words. A painter paints pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence. We believe that everyone has a song or songs inside themselves and giving students the ability to get their stories, and feelings out through the art of song writing, recording, and performing is essential. Also, by having youth record their song on a CD makes for a great empowering experience that gives the student a transitional object to share with others, that is a moment in time captured forever.

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